Spring is just around the corner, and for nations that celebrate Norooz, the first day of spring holds even greater significance—it marks the beginning of a new year. Spring symbolizes renewal, growth, and the turning of time.
As I reflect on the events of recent years, I sense that we are stepping into a new era—one defined by emerging qualities, transformative technologies, and a shift in the way we live. This transition period seems to align with a deeper, underlying transformation, making this a particularly special year. That is why I want to step away from the usual New Year greetings and clichés. Instead of simply wishing for good events or wonderful days, I wish for all of us to gain new understandings and fresh perspectives.
As time goes on, I am beginning to realize that the concepts of “good” and “bad” are, at their core, judgments. When we call something good, we inherently create the notion of something bad. When we encourage others to “stay positive,” we reinforce the existence of negativity. But in reality, as we gain more experience, we come to understand that these labels are simply comparisons shaped by our perspectives. If we remove judgment and observe life as it unfolds, we begin to see that events are neither good nor bad—they just are. What seems negative today may bring invaluable lessons in the future. When we categorize experiences into these rigid binaries, we resist what is, rather than embracing the natural flow of life.
This resistance is what makes transitions so difficult. We cling to old habits, familiar routines, and the comfort of what we know, fearing the uncertainty of the future. But when we learn to surrender—to trust in the wisdom of the universe and the natural flow of life—we begin to move more freely, navigating around obstacles with ease, much like a river finding its way to the ocean. True freedom lies in releasing our conditioned notions of happiness, which are often tied to whether events align with our expectations. Instead of waiting for things to unfold in a particular way, we can welcome new beginnings—even those that feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar—with openness
Simply, if we let go of rigid expectations, we can dance with the waves of life, embracing the beauty of each moment as it comes.
This Norooz and the arrival of spring, I wish for all of us the trust, surrender, and courage to embrace new beginnings—not with resistance, but with flow. May we play our roles in life wholeheartedly, without fear of the unknown. May we challenge our own perspectives and see beyond what we assume to be true. May we have more opportunities to practice compassion and help others, as this is one of the greatest sources of fulfillment. May we step out of the cycle of comparison and competition and instead cherish the simple, profound gift of life.
May we witness more sunrises and sunsets, hear more birdsongs, and spend more time with nature. Why wish for prosperity when we already have everything we need? Nature has given us so much—the sun, the sky, the moon, the rain, the breeze, the flowers, the trees, the rivers, and the forests. Instead of seeking more possessions, may we cultivate the awareness to truly appreciate what we already have.
This year, let us choose presence over judgment, surrender over resistance, and gratitude over longing. Happy Norooz!