
Homeopathy cures a large percentage of cases than any other method of treatment, it is beyond a doubt safer and more economical, and most complete medical science.


Homeopathy the medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit

Homeopathy is one of the most popular and powerful systems of medicine that is able to restore the state of health and harmony by stimulating the body’s own healing power. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world’s second leading system of medicine for primary health care.


Homeopathic medicine was introduced and developed by a German physician, pharmacist and chemist Samuel Hahneman (1755-1843). He is known as the father of experimental pharmacology because he was the first physician that scientifically examined various medical substances on healthy individuals to prove their medicinal effects. Before Hahnemann, medicines were given on speculative indications, without any experimental verification.

Due to its great success in treatment of many epidemic disease as well as acute and chronic conditions, homeopathic medicine became well-known in Europe and then in North America soon after Hahneman in early 1900’s. At that time, there were 22 homeopathic medical school and over 100 homeopathic hospitals in North America. Boston University, New York Medical College and Women’s College hospital in Toronto are examples of schools that used to teach homeopathy. In 1859 homeopathy was the first system of medicine to be regulated in Ontario and it remained regulated until 1970. With the rise of modern pharmaceutical companies, homeopathy lost it’s popularity in North America while other countries in Europe and Asia continued a steady growth of homeopathic treatments and teaching. During the recent decade, homeopathy has been reintroduced in Canada and started to regain its popularity.  Since 2015 homeopathy has been a regulated health profession in Ontario.


The Philosophy of Homeopathy

Homeopathy has a very holistic approach toward health and treats a patient as a whole in physical, mental and spiritual levels. From the homeopathic point of view, When a person becomes ill, it is the whole that is sick: body, mind, spirit. symptoms are considered as a part of defence and adaptation mechanisms of the body to overcome any toxic exposure, infection or stress. Symptoms are only manifestation of the illness not the origin of it. Therefore, treating symptoms without dealing with underlying cause usually creates more complicated chronic conditions. Homeopathic medicines activate and stimulate body’s own healing capacity to overcome the disease instead of suppressing or controlling the symptoms. As a result, after successful homeopathic treatments not only symptoms of the disease disappear but the patient experiences a higher level of well-being and health.


Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines come from natural sources such as plant, minerals and animals. However, the process of manufacturing is very different with any other natural or herbal medicine. In homeopathic preparations, natural substances undergo a process of serial dilutions along with vigorous shaking to arouse the dynamic nature of the medicine.

How could homeopathy help you?

Like cures like- the main principle of homeopathy

A substance that can produce disease in a healthy person can stimulate a healing response in a person with the same picture of disease. For example onion causes itchy, burning watery eyes and a runny nose. A homeopathic remedy made from onion can be used in for treating a patient who already suffers from the same set of symptoms in allergic reaction or in cold and flu. Accordingly, the homeopathic medicine will mimic the body’s own wisdom to help initiate the healing process.


Individualized Treatment

Homeopathic treatments are individualized and medicines are prescribed based on the unique manifestation of symptoms in each individual. In fact, homeopathic medicine treats the patient as a whole not the disease alone.
Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not really separate and distinct, but are actually fully integrated


•Homeopathy can help all conditions

Homeopathy is able to correct the core imbalance that lies under many health issues and will restore the state of health and harmony by permanently eliminating the illness. Therefore, it is effective in treating any kind of health issue regardless of whether the origin is physical, mental or emotional. A well-chosen homeopathic medicine can produce a dramatic improvement in acute conditions such as viral infections or physical injuries as well as chronic conditions such as anxiety, depression, allergies, arthritis, auto immune diseases, hormonal disturbances. Moreover, homeopathic constitutional treatments can help individuals to develop a stronger immune system. Finally, since homeopathic treatments can be effective in emotional and spiritual levels, they will help the individual to achieve a higher level of self-awareness and spiritual growth.


•Homeopathy is safe, gentle and effective for all the ages

Homeopathic medicines are safe for all the ages including newborns, pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, it’s really important for patients to be under the care of a licensed homeopath in order to experience a safe, gentle and effective treatment.


This short video is a brief and powerful introduction into homeopathy :

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